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Android offers multiple solutions for capturing the screen and transferring the captured stream. In this post I would like to show how to do screencast from one Android device to another via USB and WiFi with the help of my Bugjaeger app.

The Bugjaeger app consists of tools used by professio...

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As part of the enterprise features, Android offers various APIs for device administration. Many of these APIs are not available to "regular" apps and can only be executed from an app running in Device Owner or Profile Owner mode.

I already showed how to install apps programmatically without u...

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Android offers various APIs for video encoding, decoding, and editing. In my other posts I already showed some examples on how to use these API's. In this post I would like to extend the information from my previous post and add a new use case - embedding text into existing ...

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Android's MediaCodec API offers functionality that allows you to decode and encode video and audio efficiently, possibly also with hardware acceleration.

Used together with OpengGL ES, you get access to powerful APIs for manipulating and editing video files.

In this post I would like...

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My next tiny online tool for analyzing file types

Sometimes when I'm cross-compiling native C libraries for Android, I like to check the ABI of the final .so library file. Some project's don't compile straight away and I need to hack the build system before I get my compiled l...

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